Brow Lift in Long Beach

The eyebrows play an important role for facial aesthetics: they frame the face, highlight the eyes, and produce expression. But with aging, the brow tends to droop. Sun exposure, environmental factors, and aging can also cause the forehead area to sag and develop deep lines. Age-related changes to the brow and forehead can make men and women look more aged or tired than they feel.

A brow lift in Long Beach (sometimes called a “forehead lift”) is a surgical procedure that can effectively address these cosmetic concerns. With this facial procedure, Dr. Josh Waltzman can reduce forehead wrinkles, correct lateral hooding of the eyelids that cannot be corrected with eyelid surgery alone, and produce an overall refreshed appearance.

How a Brow Lift Works

Brow lifts in long Beach can be performed with a traditional approach or endoscopically. With a traditional or “open” approach, the incision is made along the hairline from temple to temple across the forehead. Sometimes an endoscopic approach is used since this method is minimally invasive and can still produces excellent results. With this technique, several small incisions are made in the hairline. These incisions allow the surgeon to access the deeper structures of the face. Guided by an endoscope, the surgeon can then lift these facial structures and release the muscles that cause grooves and creases between the brows, and horizontal lines on the forehead.

The best surgical technique for you depends on your unique facial anatomy and the degree of correction needed.

Is a Brow Lift Right for You?

Men and women considering a brow lift in Long Beach typically exhibit the following:

  • Deeply lined forehead
  • Drooping eyebrows
  • Skin laxity on the forehead
  • Sagging eyelids

If you are bothered by similar cosmetic concerns, or people often comment that you look tired or angry even when you feel great, you may be an excellent candidate for brow lift surgery. Although the enhancements are subtle, this procedure can restore a more youthful and rested appearance to your eyes and forehead.

Your Consultation for a Brow Lift

If you’re interested in taking the next step, you will be able to personally meet with Dr. Waltzman to see if a brow lift in Long Beach is right for you. At your consultation, Dr. Waltzman will address any questions or concerns you may have, explain what the procedure will entail, and determine which surgical techniques would best suit your needs. For men, the brow should ideally be located at the brow ridge, which is the bony prominence above the eye socket. In women, the most aesthetically pleasing brow is located just above this area. Based on your personal anatomy and degree of correction needed, a customized treatment plan will be created for you.

Dr. Waltzman will guide you through your full range of surgical options. For instance, patients seeking optimal rejuvenation often pair their brow lift with either eyelid surgery, dermal fillers, or Botox®. Whichever procedure (or combination of procedures) you choose, Dr. Waltzman will create enhancements that blend seamlessly with your eye shape and highlight the natural architecture of your face. Call today to schedule your brow lift in Long Beach

Schedule Your Brow Lift Surgery in Long Beach Now

Get in touch with our office today to schedule an initial appointment to learn more about undergoing a brow lift in Long Beach.

Frequently Asked Questions About Brow Lift Surgery

Your recovery will vary depending on the extent of treatment and whether the procedure was performed endoscopically or with a traditional approach. While brow lift surgery usually doesn’t produce significant discomfort, it’s common for patients to feel tightness near the incisions for the first few days. It’s recommended that patients keep their head elevated during the first few days as much as possible, even during sleep. Most patients can return to work and social activities within about a week or two after their surgery.

As with any surgery, a brow lift will produce scarring. However, Dr. Waltzman conceals the incisions within the hairline, so once healed, the scars are not as noticeable.

A brow lift won’t prevent you from aging in the future, but it can significantly reverse the major signs of age. Patients can expect their results to be long lasting, and they can prolong their results with a sensible skincare routine and by wearing sunblock regularly on the face.

For optimal rejuvenation, many patients choose to have a facelift, eyelid lift, or injectables performed with their brow lift surgery. At your consultation, Dr. Waltzman can help you choose which procedures will best meet your cosmetic goals.

While the basic principles of skin tightening are the same for both a brow lift and facelift, the scope of the treatments differ.

A brow lift is designed to tighten only the forehead and to lift the eyebrows into a more alert, youthful setting. This is usually done through an incision along the hairline.

A facelift, on the other hand, treats the face as a whole and is done with incisions in front of the ears. Which procedure is best for you will depend on your aesthetic ambitions.

This depends entirely on you! There is no age requirement or restriction for a brow lift. Expert surgeons like Dr. Waltzman can customize the procedure according to the required intensity of the lift. As such, patients in their late twenties right through to their sixties and seventies can benefit from a brow lift.

The cost of your brow lift will depend on a variety of factors, including the severity of your concerns, specific surgery plan, etc. We will provide you with a detailed pricing breakdown after you are evaluated by Dr. Waltzman in a consultation. Dr. Waltzman also offers different financing and insurance services to make the whole process much easier.