Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation in Long Beach

Fat transfer breast augmentation is an effective breast enhancement technique that recaptures the shape and suppleness of youthful breasts. Breast augmentation via fat transfer provides natural-looking results without using silicone or saline implants.

Modern beauty trends are embracing a more natural, holistic approach to personal physical enhancement. This trend is being reflected by the gradually increasing number of women opting for breast enhancement via fat transfer.

While many women still enjoy the aesthetic results from breast augmentation via implants, proponents of fat transfer breast augmentation say the slightly more subtle effects meet their aesthetic desires.

This page offers an overview of fat transfer breast augmentation in Long Beach. If you would like to learn more about the differences between traditional implants and fat transfer or to see if the procedure is right for you, call Dr. Josh Waltzman at (562) 448-6100. An expert in breast augmentation techniques, Dr. Waltzman, will be glad to assist you with any queries you might have regarding the procedure.

What Is Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation?

Fat transfer breast augmentation is a procedure in Long Beach that involves the redistribution of fat cells from one part of the body to the breasts.

Your surgeon takes fat from an area of the body where it is not wanted (often the lower abdomen, buttocks, or thighs), purifies it, and reintroduces those fat cells into the breasts to achieve the desired aesthetic results.

As the procedure uses the patient’s own tissue, the results appear very natural, and complications may be lessened. The procedure can increase the breasts by one-two cup sizes, depending on the amount of available tissue.

The procedure is essentially a combination of breast enhancement and liposuction. This is beneficial as the body stays in relative proportion, due to the fact that tissue is simply being redistributed.

How Will Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Benefit Me?

Fat transfer breast augmentation has several benefits for patients in Long Beach. Of course, the main aim of the procedure is to achieve fuller, more youthful breasts. Fat transfer achieves this in a natural manner, but the procedure also has a positive effect on other parts of the body.

As the procedure involves the harvesting of fat from areas where it is not wanted, women who choose this method of breast augmentation experience an entire body improvement to complement their enhanced breasts.

There is also less scarring involved with fat transfer breast augmentation vs. traditional implants because implants require an incision large enough for them to be inserted. During fat transfer, the harvested fat tissue is injected into different areas of the breast, which leaves minimal scars.

How Does Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Work?

Your skilled Long Beach surgeon will discuss with you where you would like to have the fat harvested from your body. Typically, patients choose the lower abdomen or buttocks. Sometimes the thighs can be donor sites as well.

Using liposuction, fat is extracted from the donor site, and then externally processed and purified. This purification procedure involves separating the harvested fat into three layers – oil, fascia and water, and pure fat. Only pure fat is kept and injected into the breasts.

Once the cells are ready, they are injected at different locations of the breast, increasing volume and enhancing shape to meet the patients goals.

Am I a Good Candidate for Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation?

For many women, their aesthetic goal is a natural, healthy, athletic physique. Fat transfer breast augmentation in Long Beach helps achieve this by not massively increasing bust size, but through a substantial enough enhancement to have an impact on breast shape, position and volume.

If you wish to reduce fat and improve the contours of one part of your body, and subtly but effectively increase your bust size, fat transfer breast augmentation is certainly a procedure you should consider.

Furthermore, if you find yourself concerned about implants but desire enhanced breasts, fat transfer may provide an ideal solution.

What Can I Expect Before, During, and After My Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Procedure?


Before you begin your procedure, you should discuss the surgery with a number of different doctors to find the one that best suits you and puts you at ease.

You will have a consultation, during which time you should ask the surgeon about their experience in the procedure, what their results have been like, patient satisfaction, where they practiced, and their training and certifications.

You will need to arrange transport to and from your surgery appointment, begin fasting the night before your surgery, and stop taking any blood thinners, such as aspirin, a week before your procedure. If you are a smoker, you should also abstain for a month before and after the surgery to help your body heal as well as it can.


Your procedure will be done on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia. The procedure takes between two to three hours, including liposuction, tissue purification, and injection of the fat cells into the breasts.

Once the procedure is complete, you will rest in recovery for approximately an hour until the effects of the anesthesia have worn off, and you are able to be driven home to begin healing.


Recovery from fat transfer breast augmentation in Long Beach takes less time than recovering from implant surgery. Most patients, after a week of good rest, proper nutrition, and keeping their incisions clean, can return to work.

Patients then usually resume non-strenuous exercise two weeks after the surgery, and after a month, can resume regular activities and exercise routines.

Schedule Your Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation in Long Beach

Many women are now enjoying the natural, beautiful results that fat transfer breast augmentation in Long Beach has to offer. At The Waltzman Institute Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics, Dr. Waltzman specializes in the procedure and gladly provides insight to any patient considering the procedure. Don’t hesitate to call (562) 448-6100 or fill out our online form to arrange your personal one-to-one consultation.

Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation FAQs

Swelling and bruising are normal after fat transfer breast augmentation. Bruising begins to heal the day after surgery and is generally gone within two-three weeks, and swelling is usually gone within two-three months after the surgery. This is the time it takes for your body to integrate the fat cells.

Your first postoperative checkup will be around five to seven days after your surgery. You shouldn’t go on any long-distance trips (trains, cars, flights) before this date. A good rule to follow is once you are off pain medication, you can take on longer journeys.

You shouldn’t soak your body in water for two weeks after the surgery. You can shower two days after, but must make sure to keep the incisions clean and dry.

You also need to not put any pressure on your breasts for the first two weeks, so you will need to rest and sleep on your back.

Final results from the procedure last as long as the patient maintains a certain level of body fat. Roughly 25-50% of the grafted tissues will reabsorb within the first three months. This means that about 50-75% of the grafted fat will likely become incorporated into your breast permanently.

With a consistently healthy diet and exercise the results can last a lifetime.